Thrima & Nordic Storm & Underground Rebels - 60 Jahre Luge Und Verrat

A 3-way split with bands thast practice completley different sounds. Hardcore meets RAC which clash into metal.  Just the four first tracks from Thrima makes the CD worth the money.

01. Thrima - Ehre der Soldaten

02. Thrima - Wintersonnenwende

03. Thrima - Der Tod kam von Osten

04. Thrima - Kampf

05. Nordic Storm - Zeugen der Zeit

06. Nordic Storm - Vertreibungslied

07. Nordic Storm - Nie gefragt

08. Nordic Storm - Zusammenhalt

09. Underground Rebels - Verräter

10. Underground Rebels - Wikinger

11. Underground Rebels - Mecklenburg

12 €
Incluindo impostos: 0 €
Status do estoque: Em estoque
